July 19, 2023
New Report: Chilling Legislation for Press Freedom
A new report released by CIMA explores how new laws against misinformation can have unintentional impacts on press freedom and freedom of expression.
July 18, 2023
President Tsai Ing-Wen Receives NED Democracy Service Medal
NED awarded the Democracy Service Medal to President Tsai Ing-wen in honor of her historic achievements and contributions advancing democracy and human rights in Taiwan and around the world.
July 11, 2023
Watch: Independent Media in Cuba
Two years after historic protests, the Cuban government continues to crack down on independent media and freedom of expression.
July 10, 2023
New Report: Defending the Global Human Rights System
A new report released by the International Forum for Democratic Studies details the growing threat of authoritarian influence in the global human rights system.
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