Ashanti Peru Works to End Discrimination and Empower Afro-Peruvian Youth

Ashanti Perú builds youth leadership capacity to defend their human rights, combat racism, and participate actively in policy and decision-making.


June 15, 2022

NED Honors Ukrainian Civil Society’s Fight for a Free, Democratic Ukraine

On June 8, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) presented the 2022 Democracy Award to four Ukrainian civil society organizations defending Ukraine.


June 08, 2022

40 Years On, NED Fulfills Reagan’s Westminster Vision

On June 8, 1982, in a turning point of the Cold War, President Ronald Reagan addressed the British Parliament at Westminster Palace in a historic speech that called for a worldwide initiative to advance democracy...


Anti-Corruption Action Center Pushes for Transparency in Ukraine

The Anti-Corruption Action Center uses its expertise in anti-corruption campaigns and advocacy to rally international support for a stronger, democratic Ukraine.