February 23, 2016

Prepared Remarks by Rafael Marques de Morais, Perspectives on Transparency,...

Remarks presented by Rafael Marques de Morais during the panel on "Perspectives on Transparency, Human Rights, and Civil Society in Angola", on February 18, 2016.


February 18, 2016

Perspectives on Transparency, Human Rights, and Civil Society...

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Current events suggest that Angola today faces an economic and political crisis. The global collapse of oil prices, a series of anti-NGO regulations, repressed protests, and the trial of youth activists have deeply affected the oil rich country.


January 14, 2016

Freedom of Information as a Catalyst for Liberia’s Democratic...

03:00 PM - 04:30 PM

Liberia’s continued lack of transparency poses a significant threat to the health of the country’s fledgling democracy. Lamii Kpargoi evaluated Liberia’s Freedom of Information Law, outlined challenges to its effective implementation, and identified major obstacles to access to information in Liberia.


January 14, 2016

A Civil Society Perspective on Burundi's Crisis

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Burundian human rights defender Faustin Ndikumana will discuss the current state of the Burundian political crisis and its regional significance and the regional and international efforts to promote the dialogue between all parties to the crisis.