April 30, 2015

In the Shadows of Democracy: LGBTIQ Rights in Uganda

04:00 PM - 05:30 PM

In his presentation, Pepe Julian Onziema analyzed the socio-economic changes in Africa, and Uganda in particular, that have accompanied the rise of homophobia and transphobia. He provided recommendations for a locally rooted movement to protect LGBTIQ citizens and empower them to claim full citizenship.


March 19, 2015

Reagan-Fascell Alumnus Rafael Marques de Morais Wins Journalism Award

Mar 19, 2015 Former Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellow Rafael Marques de Morais Wins Journalism Award Forum News


February 24, 2015

A Constitution for a Multinational Democratic State-Nation:...

03:00 PM - 04:30 PM

Looking ahead to the upcoming 2015 elections and the country’s longer-term stability and development, Dr. Negaso Solan focused on the need for a constitution that mirrors Ethiopia’s ethnic diversity and that lends itself to developing a truly democratic multinational state. As former president of Ethiopia, he reflected on his experiences drafting the country’s 1995 constitution and offer recommendations for public confidence-building around future amendments.


December 15, 2014

Ebola’s Impact on Women and Children in Sierra Leone:...

12:00 PM - 02:00 PM

The Ebola outbreak highlights the systemic corruption and lack of government accountability in Sierra Leone, namely a non-transparent budget and minimal allocation of funds to improving healthcare services. Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellow N’yella Maya Rogers evaluated the long-term socio-economic impact of Ebola in Sierra Leone and provided a set of recommendations for the international community, Sierra Leonean citizens, and the diaspora community moving forward. Her presentation was followed by comments by Kamissa Camara.