Engaging Youth to Bridge Ethnic Divisions

In this episode of Democracy Stories, Olang Sana of Citizens Against Violence describes how his organization was formed to stop political and electoral violence in Kenya by working with young people in Nairobi’s...


July 31, 2010

Prospects and Conditions for a Transition to Democracy in...

12:00 PM - 02:00 PM

The International Forum for Democratic Studies cosponsored with Stanford University’s Center for Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law (CDDRL) a small workshop on prospects and conditions for a transition to democracy in Zimbabwe.


Working to End Torture in Liberia

Liberia is moving beyond war atrocities, blood diamonds and drug trafficking as NED grantee Rescue Alternatives Liberia (RAL) helps shift the national focus towards a more democratic future. After lengthy preparation...


June 23, 2010

A Memorial Symposium Honoring Floribert Chebeya Bahizire

12:00 PM - 02:00 PM

It was 20 years ago when the Endowment first encountered Floribert, and awarded a grant to the organization he led, La Voix des Sans Voix, in 1991 for $31,289. It was the first grant NED made in Zaire, and there can be no question that Floribert paved the way and set the standard for all that followed. In recognition of his unsurpassed contribution to the cause of democracy and human rights, the NED is proud to host this memorial symposium honoring the life and work of Floribert Chebeya Bahizire.