September 18, 2015

Democracy Promotion and the Democracy Recession

12:00 PM - 02:00 PM

At a panel discussion celebrating the publication of Larry Diamond's new collection of essays In Search of Democracy (Routledge), Professor Diamond, Thomas Carothers, Louisa Greve, and Peter Lewis examined the state of democracy and democracy-promotion in the world today, with special attention to developments in Asia and Africa.


July 15, 2015

The Global Campaign Against Democratic Norms

12:00 PM - 02:00 PM

Alexander Cooley, Steven Heydemann, Ronald Deibert, and Christopher Sabatini discuss the implications of the campaign against democratic norms in Eurasia, China, the Middle East and North Africa, Latin America, and cyberspace.


June 30, 2015

Telling a Good Story: Censorship, Propaganda, and China’s Media

In this episode of Democracy Ideas, Anne-Marie Brady describes the evolution of censorship and propaganda techniques employed by the Chinese authorities in the age of the Internet and globalized media.


May 14, 2014

2014 Democracy Award

05:00 PM - 06:30 PM

The National Endowment for Democracy is proud to honor two of these voices – Liu Xiaobo and Xu Zhiyong – both locked in Chinese prisons because the regime views the power of their ideas as an existential challenge.