Combating Corruption in Nigeria: The Promise of Investigative...
12:00 PM - 12:00 PM
In his presentation, Mr. Dayo Aiyetan, an accomplished Nigerian investigative journalist, examined the threat posed by corruption to Nigerian democracy and explored the role that new models of watchdog journalism, particularly non-profit centers and other research organizations, can play in reversing this troubling trend.
North Korean Human Rights Advocacy: Making the Most of Scarce...
12:00 PM - 02:00 PM
The chairman of NED grantee Database Center for North Korea Human Rights (NKDB) participated in a seminar at Johns Hopkins SAIS examining the findings of the 2010 White Paper on North Korean Human Rights, which provided systematically researched and analyzed data on human rights violations in North Korea.
Can Anyone Hear Us? Voices from the 2009 Unrest in Urumchi
12:00 PM - 02:00 PM
In advance of the one-year anniversary of the Urumchi unrest, analysts assessed the causes of the transformation of peaceful demonstrations into deadly inter-ethnic violence, government policy responses to the unrest, the effect of those policies on Uyghur and Han populations in Xinjiang, and the likely outcomes of the May 2010 Xinjiang Work Conference hosted by Chinese President Hu Jintao.
Democracy in East Asia: An Elephant’s Graveyard?
12:00 PM - 02:00 PM
In his presentation, Dr. Benjamin Reilly explained the competing trends of democratic reform and democratic pushback across Northeast and Southeast Asia, and addressed the broader implications of this distinctive process of democratization in East Asia.
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