February 01, 2018

Remarks by NED President Carl Gershman at the Conference on “Ideas for...

Remarks by NED President Carl Gershman at the Conference on “Ideas for Lithuania’s Future.”


December 06, 2017

Chinese Expansionism and the Future of Tibet

Testimony by Carl Gershman, President of the National Endowment for Democracy At the Hearing of the Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific of the Committee on Foreign Affairs On “U.S. Policy Towards Tibet:...


November 14, 2017

Remarks by NED President Carl Gershman to the Zagreb Youth Summit

NED's president spoke on the "Autocratic Superpowers’ Methodology of Influence" panel at the Zagreb Youth Summit.


North Korean NED Grantee Ji Seong-ho honored with Oxi Courage Award

North Korean defector-turned-activist Ji Seong-ho received the 2017 Oxi Day Foundation Oxi Courage Award at a gala celebration in Washington, DC on October 26. After barely surviving a terrible accident in...