November 19, 2014
Reaffirming and Defending the Legacy of Vaclav Havel
Remarks by Carl Gershman at the “Salute to Vaclav Havel”Washington, D.C. November 19, 2014 My thanks, Martin, for inviting me to speak about reaffirming and defending the legacy of Vaclav Havel...
November 19, 2014
“Are Czechs giving up on moral responsibility?”
This week, Congress will honor a man who represented the great history of the Czech people, earning them renown throughout the world. May the ceremony celebrating Havel’s life send a message to his successors...
November 18, 2014
NED President’s Remarks to the Ukrainian American Bar Association
NED President remarks from his speech at the Ukrainian American Bar Association.
October 28, 2014
NED President Carl Gershman’s counterargument to Mearsheimer article
NED President Carl Gershman rejects the argument put forth in by John Mearsheimer in Foreign Affairs article.
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