May 06, 2019

A Strategy for the International Defense of Tibet

Remarks by NED President Carl Gershman to The Seventh Meeting of the World Parliamentarians Convention on Tibet in Riga, Latvia.            


May 06, 2019

Democratic Ukraine and the Struggle Against Anti-Semitism

Remarks by NED President Carl Gershman at the Kyiv Jewish Forum.


April 05, 2019

Carl Gershman Joined Atlantic Council Panel Discussion on Ukraine’s...

On April 1, Atlantic Council hosted two panel discussions. The first panel featured key experts, including NED president Carl Gershman, who analyzed the round one results and explained what to expect for the...


March 12, 2019

Remembering Lodi Gyari

NED President Carl Gershman makes remarks at Lodi’s memorial service I’ve been asked to speak about Lodi under the heading “Introduction to the United States of America.”  I assume...