Celebrating 30 Years of the Journal of Democracy: Democracy...
03:45 PM - 07:30 PM
On its 30th anniversary, editors and contributors reflected on the Journal of Democracy and the state of democracy around the world.
Journal of Democracy 30th Anniversary Issue: Democracy Embattled
The Journal of Democracy's expanded 30th anniversary issues features a series of essays from distinguished authors on democracy's prospects in a shifting global landscape.
International Forum for Democratic Studies’ 2019 Year in Review
As 2019 draws to a close, the International Forum for Democratic Studies is pleased to share with you a selection of its work on the challenges posed to democratic principles by authoritarian influence; the...
Strengthening Human Rights Through Youth Engagement: Views...
02:00 PM - 04:00 PM
Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows Dolgion Aldar, Catherine Kanabahita, Marvi Sirmed, Viktoriya Tyuleneva, and Pedro V. Villarreal discussed the role of youth in protecting and advocating for human rights in Mongolia, Uganda, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, and Colombia.
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