January 16, 2019

Journal of Democracy January 2019 Issue: The Road to Digital Unfreedom

The January 2019 issue of the Journal of Democracy features a set of four articles examining the growing threat of digital repression.


December 14, 2018

China’s Global Challenge to Democracy, Corrosive Capital in Central...

The International Forum for Democratic Studies' December 2018 "quick hits" newsletter features recent news and events on topics ranging from new frontiers in digital censorship to youth and political parties...


December 14, 2018

Forever Stranded? Rethinking Approaches to Bosnia and Herzegovina

09:00 AM - 10:30 AM

This discussion examined new ideas and opportunities for domestic civil society and the international community to jumpstart the Bosnia and Herzegovina’s stalled progress.


December 11, 2018

Is the Party Over? Youth, Political Parties, and Elections...

03:00 PM - 04:30 PM

Reagan-Fascell Fellow Vera Gogokhia will discuss the role of youth in the recent Georgian elections and consider the roots of the current disconnect between political parties and young people, and whether the gap can be bridged.