APSA-CD Newsletter: Opposition in Authoritarian Regimes
“Most studies of authoritarian political systems examine their inner workings, or the ways regime insiders use resources to limit activities threatening their hegemony. The authors here focus explicitly...
Ethiopia: Silencing Dissent — Journal of Democracy January 2016
In Ethiopia’s May 2015 parliamentary elections, the long-ruling Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF), together with its allies, claimed a historic victory with 100 percent of...
Freedom of Information as a Catalyst for Liberia’s Democratic...
03:00 PM - 04:30 PM
Liberia’s continued lack of transparency poses a significant threat to the health of the country’s fledgling democracy. Lamii Kpargoi evaluated Liberia’s Freedom of Information Law, outlined challenges to its effective implementation, and identified major obstacles to access to information in Liberia.
Women’s Resilience and Resolve in Northwest Pakistan:...
03:00 PM - 04:30 PM
In her presentation, social activist Shad Begum outlined the challenges to women’s political and economic empowerment in PATA and highlighted those change-makers who are surmounting them.
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