Journal of Democracy October 2020 Issue
The Journal of Democracy's October 2020 issue features a lead set of articles assessing the covid-19 pandemic's political impact across three key emerging democracies.
Walker, Albright on the Future of Democracy in a Post-Covid World at GLOBSEC...
On October 8, vice president for studies and analysis at the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) Christopher Walker spoke about the “Future of Democracy in a Post-Covid World”...
International Forum for Democratic Studies September 2020 Newsletter
The September 2020 edition of the Forum newsletter highlights recent research and publications on artificial intelligence-related technologies, disruptions to the global media space, and more.
Journal of Democracy July 2020 Issue
In the Journal of Democracy's July issue, contributors survey the pressing challenges that, from Latin America to East Asia, are shaping the balance between democracy and authoritarianism today.
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