April 05, 2023

What Does Winning Look Like: Investing in Labor Rights Campaigns...

03:30 PM - 08:00 PM

The NED and GLJ-ILRF hosted an event to reflect on one year since the end of state-imposed forced labor in Uzbek cotton.


February 01, 2023

Dissent and Persecution in Russia: From Father Edelstein...

04:00 PM - 06:00 PM

Co-hosted with the Reagan Institute, this event will feature a screening of My Duty to Not Stay Silent, the newest documentary film by imprisoned Russian opposition leader, journalist, and activist Vladimir Kara-Murza, followed by a discussion on dissent and persecution in today’s Russia. 


April 21, 2022

International Democracy and Human Rights Organizations Call for Release...

All charges should be dropped and Kara-Murza should be immediately released.


April 13, 2022

NED Calls for Release of Russian Democracy Leader Detained in Moscow

An outspoken critic of the Kremlin, Vladimir Kara-Murza works tirelessly to support democracy and human rights in Russia.