Honoring the Life and Legacy of Andrei Sakharov: A Centennial...
09:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Experts participated in a centennial celebration of Andrei Sakharov with a discussion about the relevance of his legacy in Russia today.
NED Grantees Expose Forced Labor in Turkmenistan
Despite threats and attacks from one of the world’s most repressive regimes, leading Turkmen human rights groups, Turkmen News and the Turkmen Initiative for Human Rights released a new report exposing systemic...
Forced Labor in Turkmenistan's 2020 Cotton Harvest
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
A new joint report by leading independent Turkmen human rights groups exposes systemic forced labor and extortion during the 2020 cotton harvest in Turkmenistan amid pandemic denial and rising economic crisis in the country.
Заявление Национального фонда в поддержку...
[Read our Statement on Racism and Democracy in English here.] Жестокое убийство Джорджа...
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