Journal of Democracy April 2022: What Putin Fears Most, The Rise of Subversion...
The Journal of Democracy's April 2022 issue features essays on Russia's invasion of Ukraine, how international surveillance startups are using high-tech tools to threaten democracy, "autocratic genderwashing,"...
Digital Directions: April 14, 2022
Digital Directions is a curated newsletter from the International Forum on the evolving relationships among digital technologies, information integrity, and democracy.
Waking Up to Reputation Laundering as a Mechanism for Transnational...
10:00 AM - 11:15 AM
Matthew T. Page, Tena Prelec, Ricardo Soares de Oliveira, and Jodi Vittori discussed how reputation laundering serves as a key mechanism of transnational kleptocracy.
Global Insights | Waking up to Reputation Laundering as a Mechanism for...
These "Global Insights" illuminate the challenge of reputation laundering by kleptocratic regimes and oligarchs, and offer recommendations for countering its corrosive effects on democratic institutions.
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