June 18, 2021

Report Launch | A Full-Spectrum Response to Sharp Power:...

11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

The International Forum launched its final report, "A Full-Spectrum Response to Sharp Power: The Vulnerabilities and Strengths of Open Societies," and reflected on lessons learned from its series examining Sharp Power and Democratic Resilience.


May 27, 2021

Disinformation Roundup: News from the International Forum

A selection of recent resources from the International Forum for Democratic Studies on disinformation and other threats to the integrity of the information space.


May 25, 2021

Reputation Laundering in the University Sector of Open Societies: An International...

An International Forum working paper on reputation laundering by kleptocrats in the university sector of open societies.


May 12, 2021

The Long Arm of the Strongman: How Authoritarian Regimes Use Sharp Power...

Writing for Foreign Affairs, NED vice president for studies and analysis Christopher Walker and senior program officer Jessica Ludwig examine how authoritarian powers are exerting sharp power within democracies,...