October 12, 2020

Journal of Democracy October 2020 Issue

The Journal of Democracy's October 2020 issue features a lead set of articles assessing the covid-19 pandemic's political impact across three key emerging democracies.


October 09, 2020

Walker, Albright on the Future of Democracy in a Post-Covid World at GLOBSEC...

On October 8, vice president for studies and analysis at the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) Christopher Walker spoke about the “Future of Democracy in a Post-Covid World”...


October 02, 2020

International Forum for Democratic Studies September 2020 Newsletter

The September 2020 edition of the Forum newsletter highlights recent research and publications on artificial intelligence-related technologies, disruptions to the global media space, and more.


August 24, 2020

Forum Q&A: Kelly Born on the Evolving Field of Disinformation Research

Kelly Born discusses how the field of disinformation research has grown and where it should go from here.