July 20, 2020

Journal of Democracy July 2020 Issue

In the Journal of Democracy's July issue, contributors survey the pressing challenges that, from Latin America to East Asia, are shaping the balance between democracy and authoritarianism today.


July 20, 2020

International Forum for Democratic Studies July 2020 Newsletter

The July 2020 edition of the Forum newsletter features new content, event recaps, and more.


June 10, 2020

Forum Q&A: Nick Mathiason on the Future of Investigative Journalism...

Melissa Aten of the International Forum spoke with Finance Uncovered’s director, Nick Mathiason, about the organization’s approach to exposing transnational kleptocracy.


May 19, 2020

International Forum Updates May 2020

Get the latest updates from the International Forum for Democratic Studies, including new publications, event recaps, and more.