Journal of Democracy January 2018 Issue: The Rise of Kleptocracy
The January 2018 issue features 7 articles on transnational kleptocracy, an analysis of the trajectory of democracy in Burma, the surprising impact of presidential election runoffs in Latin America, and more.
The Big Question: What Is the Relationship Between Kleptocracy and Authoritarianism?
The International Forum for Democratic Studies asked five leading experts about the relationship between authoritarianism and kleptocracy.
Journal of Democracy October 2017 Issue: What is Putinism?
The October 2017 issue features six essays on Russia's autocracy, a debate on Iran's 2017 elections, other essays on social media and democracy, constitutionalism in Asia, and more.
Globalization Chinese-Style: A JoD Book Review
Forum director Shanthi Kalathil reviews Nadege Rolland's "China's Eurasian Century? Political and Strategic Implications of the Belt and Road Initiative" in the Journal of Democracy October 2017 issue.
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