NED Condemns Prison Sentence of Venezuelan Political Prisoner Leopoldo...
The National Endowment for Democracy strongly condemns the prison sentence condemning Venezuelan opposition leader Leopoldo López.
How the Military is Eroding Democratic Institutions in Latin...
03:00 PM - 04:00 PM
In her presentation, Rut Diamint conducted a comparative analysis of the new forms of military power in Latin America, describing civil-military dynamics and governmental interpretations of military goals. She discussed the impact on democracy, including the effect of the military’s role in partisan politics, domestic law enforcement, and partition of national power in both the domestic and international arenas. Her presentation was followed by comments from Harold Trinkunas.
Rising to the Challenge: Mexico’s Push for Deeper Reform
04:00 PM - 05:30 PM
In conversation with Christian Caryl, Carlos Elizondo examined the politics behind Mexico’s reform agenda and shared his insights on the way forward.
“More Equality, More Democracy: The Case of Brazil”
Mar 10, 2015 "More Equality, More Democracy: The Case of Brazil" Occasional Paper, Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows Program, International Forum for Democratic Studies By...
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