July 27, 2015

Journal of Democracy

For more than twenty years, the Journal of Democracy has been a leading voice in the conversation about government by consent and its place in the world. The Journal is published for the National Endowment...


March 09, 2015

“More Equality, More Democracy: The Case of Brazil”

Mar 10, 2015 "More Equality, More Democracy: The Case of Brazil" Occasional Paper, Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows Program, International Forum for Democratic Studies By...


April 20, 2014

Democratization and Authoritarianism in the Arab World

A Journal of Democracy Book Beginning in December 2010, a series of uprisings swept the Arab world, toppling four longtime leaders and creating an apparent political opening in a region long impervious to the...


January 01, 2014

Clientelism, Social Policy, and the Quality of Democracy

International Forum for Democratic Studies Book “There are many reasons for the failure of democracy, but one of the most significant factors is bad governance….the individual benefits that collectively...