Stronger Together: Coalitions as a Catalyst for Information Integrity
DOWNLOAD THE REPORT A new report authored by Tim Niven explores how sweeping changes in the information environment are advancing the efforts of authoritarians in the information space and how coalitions provide...
Foreign Agents Laws
Silencing Civil Society through Stigmatizing Narratives: A Conversation with Gina Romero The growing trend of “foreign agents” laws have targeted prodemocratic civil society groups and activists...
Forum Q&A: Irene Mwendwa on Women, Data, and Democracy
As AI technologies assume increasingly prominent roles in everyday life and government decision-making, building representative tools that reflect democratic values is more important than ever. Doing so will...
Leveraging AI for Democracy: Civic Innovation on the New Digital Playing...
DOWNLOAD THE COLLECTION A new report by Beth Kerley, Carl Miller, and Fernanda Campagnucci outlines possible paths toward a prodemocratic vision for AI. summary Like social media before them, new AI tools promise...
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