February 13, 2020

New Initiative on Sharp Power and Democratic Resilience to Launch at Munich...

On Saturday, February 15, 2020 at the Munich Security Conference, global thought leaders and experts on disinformation will launch a new report, “Firming Up Democracy’s Soft Underbelly: Authoritarian...


September 09, 2016

2013 Annual Report

In 2013, the National Endowment for Democracy celebrated 30 years of supporting freedom around the world.


April 11, 2016

Journal of Democracy April 2016 Issue: “Latin America’s New Turbulence”

A number of Latin American countries are in the midst of turmoil. Brazil has been rocked by public anger over corruption, bringing President Dilma Rousseff to the brink of impeachment. Yet as Marcus André...


March 23, 2016

2012 Annual Report

NED marked the year 2012 with celebrations of three key milestones: the 30th anniversary of President Reagan's Westminster speech that helped launch the idea of a bipartisan institution to advance democracy...