April 14, 2016

Authoritarianism Goes Global: The Challenge to Democracy

12:00 PM - 02:00 PM

Over the past decade, illiberal powers have become emboldened and gained influence within the global arena. Please join the International Forum for Democratic Studies to mark the publication of Authoritarianism Goes Global: The Challenge to Democracy, a new Journal of Democracy book edited by Larry Diamond, Marc F. Plattner, and Christopher Walker.


March 28, 2016

Authoritarianism Goes Global — The American Interest

In an article published by The American Interest, Christopher Walker, Marc F. Plattner, and Larry Diamond write about how a new global competition in “soft power” is underway between democracy and autocracy.


March 14, 2016

Democracy in Retreat as Authoritarianism Goes Global

The Washington Post editorial board discussed the findings of Authoritarianism Goes Global, a new Journal of Democracy book edited by Larry Diamond, Marc F. Plattner, and Christopher Walker.


February 09, 2016

Consolidating Democracy in Nepal through Transparent Campaign...

03:00 PM - 04:30 PM

Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellow Tilak Pathak explained why campaign finance must be reformed in order to consolidate democracy in Nepal. Drawing from case studies gathered throughout his career in journalism, he traced the money behind Nepal’s elections and proposed effective mechanisms that can help provide greater transparency and accountability.