March 30, 2022

Waking Up to Reputation Laundering as a Mechanism for Transnational...

10:00 AM - 11:15 AM

Matthew T. Page, Tena Prelec, Ricardo Soares de Oliveira, and Jodi Vittori discussed how reputation laundering serves as a key mechanism of transnational kleptocracy.


March 30, 2022

Global Insights | Waking up to Reputation Laundering as a Mechanism for...

These "Global Insights" illuminate the challenge of reputation laundering by kleptocratic regimes and oligarchs, and offer recommendations for countering its corrosive effects on democratic institutions.


March 02, 2022

An Offshore Cold War: Forging a Democratic Alliance to Combat Transnational...

A working paper from the International Forum, authored by Oliver Bullough, urges democracies to develop a unified response to the challenge of transnational kleptocracy by focusing on shared fundamental values,...


March 02, 2022

An Offshore Cold War: Forging a Democratic Alliance to Combat...

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

The International Forum for Democratic Studies hosted Oliver Bullough and German Marshall Fund President Heather Conley for a conversation on his paper, “An Offshore Cold War: Forging a Democratic Alliance to Combat Transnational Kleptocracy,” and the broader challenges to democracy transnational kleptocracy poses today.