Alina Mungiu-Pippidi
Hertie School of Governance
Alina Mungiu-Pippidi is professor of policy analysis at the Hertie School of Governance, where she is chair of the European Research Centre for Anti-Corruption and State Building Research. She studied political science at Harvard University after completing a PhD in social psychology at the University of Iasi in Romania in 1995. Professor Mungiu-Pippidi is the author of “Becoming Denmark: How Societies Build Control of Corruption,” Social Research (2014) and “Corruption: Good Governance Needed to Power Innovation,” Nature (2015) and A Quest for Good Governance (Cambridge University Press, 2015) and two policy film documentaries, A Tale of Two Villages (Central University Press, 2010) and Where Europe Ends (Romanian Academic Society, 2012). She has also written widely-cited publications on post-communist transition, nationalism, ethnic conflict, and Europeanization.
She serves as an adviser on issues of anti-corruption to the European Commission DG Home, after having consulted in the past for UNDP, Freedom House, NORAD, DFID and World Bank, among others. She has been a visiting scholar at Harvard, Stanford, the European University Institute and St. Antony’s College of Oxford University, among others. In 1996 she founded the think tank Romanian Academic Society, which has since played an important role in promoting good governance in Romania and advised many civil society anti-corruption coalitions in other countries. She is also the founder of Clean Romania!, a social media watchdog platform.
Forum Events
“Is Democracy in Decline?: Celebrating 25 Years of the Journal of Democracy,” Hotel Monaco (Jan. 29, 2015)
Forum Publications
“The Splintering of Postcommunist Europe,” Journal of Democracy (Jan. 2015)
“Enhancing the Policy Impact of Democracy Research: The Case of the Romanian Academic Society,” authored by Adriana Iordache and Simona Popescu, Democracy Think Tanks in Action: Translating Research into Policy in Young and Emerging Democracies, Network of Democracy Research Institutes (Jun. 2013)
“Controlling Corruption through Collective Action,” Journal of Democracy (Jan. 2013)
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