Sean Yom
Temple University
Sean L. Yom is assistant professor of political science at Temple University. His research broadly focuses on the dynamics of authoritarian regimes and the political economy of development in the Middle East region. His first book, From Resilience to Revolution: How Foreign Interventions Destabilize the Middle East (Columbia University Press, 2015) explores how geopolitical pressures transformed pathways of Middle East state-building in the post-WWII era. His other work has appeared in Journal of Democracy, Studies in Comparative International Development, Comparative Political Studies, Government and Opposition, The Middle East Journal, and Arab Studies Quarterly, among other journals. In addition to the International Forum for Democratic Studies at the National Endowment for Democracy, he has also worked closely with other public-sector institutions and international organizations in evaluating the pace of democratic reforms and the role of US foreign policy in the Arab world, with a particular emphasis on Jordan, Kuwait, and Morocco. A.B., Brown (2003); Ph.D., Harvard (2009).
Forum Publications
“Resilient Royal: How Arab Monarchies Hang On,” co-authored with F. Gregory Gause, III, Journal of Democracy (Oct. 2012)
“Jordan: Ten More Years of Autocracy,” Journal of Democracy (Oct. 2009)
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