J.M. Ascienzo
Central Region Outreach Director, U.S. Global Leadership Coalition
At the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition J.M. works with bipartisan, broad-based statewide leaders in the Great Plains and elsewhere to educate and advocate to Congress on the importance of America’s development and diplomacy programs here at home. Prior to USGLC, J.M. was Government Relations Officer at National Peace Corps Association, advocating for Peace Corps issues on Capitol Hill. He is a returned Peace Corps volunteer who served in the education sector for three years in northern and southern Thailand, and was an AmeriCorps VISTA volunteer for one year in Seattle. He has also taught ESL in South Korea and Vietnam, and graduated with a B.A. in history from Auburn University. Originally, from Maryland, J.M. lives in Washington, D.C., where he loves spending time with his family and visiting with folks in the Mount Pleasant neighborhood.
1201 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20004