Penn Kemble Fellow: Brianna Hiser
Brianna Hiser currently works as a Program and Development Officer for Eurasia at the Eurasia Foundation. Hiser previously worked as the Georgia desk officer at the National Democratic Institute as well as on the Iraq program at the International Foundation for Electoral Systems. She has done field work in Georgia, the Balkans and Iraq and recently completed an Embassy Policy Specialist fellowship for the US Embassy in Tbilisi, where she conducted research on the Georgian media sector following the 2012 parliamentary elections. Hiser specializes in post-Soviet political transition and political decision-making. She earned an MA in Russian, East European and Central Asian Studies in addition to an MA in Public Administration from the University of Washington. She has lived and traveled in Russia, studying and volunteering in Izhevsk and Nizhnii Novgorod. In addition to speaking fluent Russian, Hiser speaks Persian and is an avid reader about all things Iranian.
The National Endowment for Democracy is proud to announce its inaugural cohort of 2014-15 Penn Kemble Fellows. See here for more information about the Penn Kemble Youth Forum for Democracy, as well as a complete list of the 2014-15 cohort>>
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