December 05, 2023

Testimony by Christopher Walker to the United States House Select Committee...

“Discourse Power: The CCP’s Strategy to Shape the Global Information Space” Hearing before the Select Committee on Strategic Competition between the United States and the Chinese Communist...


December 04, 2023

Contrarrestar las Operaciones de Información de Actores Autoritarios en...

DESCARGAR EL INFORME EN ESPAÑOL (READ THE REPORT IN ENGLISH) El nuevo informe de Iria Puyosa (del DFRLab del Atlantic Council) y Mariví Marín Vázquez (de ProBox) profundiza nuestra...


November 30, 2023

NED Presents 40th Anniversary Democracy Awards and Democracy Service Medals 

The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) marked its 40th anniversary with a special presentation of the Democracy Awards and Democracy Service Medals.   


November 28, 2023

New Report: Authoritarian Information Operations in Latin America

A new report from NED's International Forum for Democratic Studies details authoritarian efforts to manipulate information in Latin America.