December 15, 2022

Smart Cities and Democratic Vulnerabilities

Smart Cities and Democratic Vulnerabilities highlights three essays that survey the dangers smart cities present to democracy, explaining the importance of embedding smart city projects in participatory processes...


December 15, 2022

Fighting SLAPPs: Five Things to Know

Strategic lawsuits against public participation, or SLAPPs, are an increasing threat to independent media.


Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Oleksandra Matviychuk on Accountability for...

Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Oleksandra Matviychuk discussed her vision for ensuring international justice and accountability for Russia's war crimes in Ukraine.


December 06, 2022

Sharp Power Five Years Later | Forum Focus: December 2022

This special edition of Forum Focus reflects on the sharp power concept five years after its inception—and looks ahead to promising civil society responses to the global threat of authoritarian influence.