Christina Mahoney
Christina Mahoney is Deputy Chief of Staff/Legislative Director for Congressman Emanuel Cleaver, II from Missouri’s Fifth Congressional District. In this role she advises the Congressman on foreign policy for his position on the Helsinki Commission,...
In Focus: Reporters Foundation Defends Independent Media in Central Europe
Thirty years after the collapse of the communist bloc, Europe’s transitions remain under threat. Now most countries of central, eastern and southeastern Europe are experiencing a democratic decline that began a decade ago. Rising polarization, pervasive corruption, and...
Central and Eastern Europe 2020
Thirty years after the collapse of the communist bloc, Europe’s transitions remain under threat. Now most countries of central, eastern and southeastern Europe are experiencing a democratic decline that began a decade ago. Rising polarization, pervasive corruption, and weakened rule of law point to...
CIMA Overview
Rampant democratic backsliding, deteriorating revenue streams, and a global pandemic contributed to a perilous year for media outlets across the globe. Despite these challenges, CIMA’s work remained vital in exploring ways for independent media to safely navigate this existential threat. In January,...
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